Monday, November 30, 2009


The controversy surrounding H1N1 this year is sickening. If it is the threat that they said it was then the government and medical officials should have taken things more seriously. Allowing for money and position in life to let people skip the process regarding the vaccine is disgusting. We are supposed to be a public health system, not two tiered yet money continues to make a difference. Does being rich or an influential person make your life more important than the next person? There was such a crisis about the rush for people to get the shot and people cutting the line to get their shot early. Then you read an article about how they are throwing away doses. The government has spent a large amount of money on this and now it is in the trash. If it does not have shelf life once it is mixed why mix it up in large quantities if you can not guarantee it will be used. So much has gone on the last month or so regarding H1N1 and a lot of it just scared people. Instead of sticking to the system that was laid out and enforcing what was decided people did what they wanted. I then saw an article in the paper saying that it has now reached its peak in Canada they believe and we are past that. They made such a big deal about the whole issues and pressed the importance of the vaccine and many people didn’t get it and now we are past the worst possibly. I think that sometimes pushing the issue in the media can do more harm than good. Most of what was done seems like scare tactic to get people to take the vaccine and caused a panic amongst people. Every person gets the slightest symptom and they think they have it. There are many flu strains out there and because someone is sick does not mean it is H1N1 yet that is what people are being led to believe. It is a tragedy when a life is lost but scaring people into a panic is not going to help. I think things could have been handled better and medical officials made some bad decisions.

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