Monday, November 30, 2009

The Dangers of Tanning Beds

How many people consider tanning beds a healthy alternative to the sun? I know many people who tell me that it is ok to tan in a bed as it doesn’t damage your skin the way the sun does. I just read an article “Scary Truths Tanning Salons Deny” which states that tanning indoors before the age of 30 increases your chance of skin-cancer risk by 75%. I won’t deny that as a teenager I not only used tanning beds but would lie in the sun with baby oil on. I then started looking at my mother’s skin, she loved tanning whether in the sun or using tanning beds, and saw the damage and aged look it gave her skin. I decided that I would rather be pale then chance skin cancer or prematurely age my skin. A professor at Yale was quoted in the article about the fact that there is no debate anymore about UV radiation causing cancer and tanning salons deny this they are misstating information for their own benefit. ABC’s 20/20 and Cosmo teamed up to do an undercover investigation to find out what tanning salons were telling consumers. The article gave a sneak peak at some of the lies that were told to the investigators when they went into salons asking questions. It just amazes me that they are able to operate while telling such blatant lies to their customers. At the same time so many people are uneducated regarding the issue or even with the knowledge don’t seem concerned. They have that mentality that they are young and it’s not going to happen to them. Or their grandparents where outside all the time in the sun and did not get cancer. I think people prefer to ignore facts such as the ozone layer has been damaged and it is not the same to be outside as it once was. More people are concerned about having a healthy glow to their skin then the fact that in another 20 years they may see the permanent damage to their skin. I think people need to think about the risks and read articles such as this one to get facts and make an informed decision. If having a tan is that important to you go to the pharmacy and buy a bottle of self-tanner and skip on the UV damage.

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