Monday, November 30, 2009

diet foods good or bad?

I don’t know many people who are not concerned to some level about eating healthy. For the most part I think it is easy to recognize what is unhealthy. Food that is processed, fried, or full of empty calories is easy to recognize and we know they are not healthy. But how many people choose to eat the diet foods. This slide show I found online discussed four foods that are unhealthy to eat. For the most part it is the highly obvious bad foods for you. The surprising one was the diet food. According to this if “you rely on diet products to keep your weight in check, you may be doing your body more harm than good. “Research shows that eating these products stimulates the appetite and can lead to weight gain,” Béliveau writes in Eating Well, Living Well.” I know a lot of people, myself included at times, that think low fat; calorie wise food is the healthy choice. Now this is saying that you need some of those elements to properly digest all the nutrients from other foods. I think this would come as a surprise to many people who are living off diets food trying to lose weight and be healthy. Personally I try to live by the rule of moderation; nothing is bad for you if only consumed in small quantities. In our house we don’t buy junk food, or processed boxed food but once a week we do get a snack food and maybe eat out on weekends. It satisfies that craving and during the week takes away the urge to cheat. From talking to a trainer a the gym she says that is the best way to do things and that if your forbid yourself from eating something you just want it more. So what I learned from this is diet foods aren’t always the best choice and you just need to be smart in your choices and there is nothing wrong with a treat once in a while.

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